Institutional Rehabilitation:


Vikash has set up 4 residential and day care centre for early intervention and initiation of rehabilitation process of Children with Intellectual & developmental disabilities.

Community Based Rehabilitation


Vikash beliefs that Community Based Rehabilitation of People with disabilities is one of the key approach for creation of equal opportunities and promotion of full participation in their community life to lead their live with dignity and independently and leave no behind for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In CBR programme, Vikash promotes health, education, livelihood, social, empowerment and accessibility for PwDs.

Early Identification & Intervention:


Vikash has formed a professional team for early identification (diagnosis/detection) of Children with disabilities and their intervention. Vikash organized different diagnosis camps at village and Panchayat level to identifiy disability among children and facilitate the process in collaboration with Govt. Authorities for their medical certification. Vikash referred the identified children with disabilities to its different Centre for rehabilitation proces

Empowering Organisation of People with Disabilities


Vikash emphasizes on promotion of Disabled People Organization (DPO), Parent Association and Self Help Group of People with Disabilities. Vikash builds, promotes and strengthen groups of People with Disabilities like Disabled People Organization, Parent Association, Caregiver Association, Self Advocates and Self Help Groups.

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