Non-Formal Education Programs for Skill Development | Vikash

Non Formal Education


Vikash started its program on education in 1988 by organizing 50 non-formal education centres in Gop block of Puri district. Subsequently it worked in Pottangi and Similiguda blocks in Koraput District on early childhood education.
Training Programs: Vikash helped prepare low cost/no cost teaching aids, organised training on center management and maintenance of records. Orientation programs were conducted for the facilitators with special emphasis on joyful learning.
Education Materials: Vikash borne the cost of training of facilitators and preparation of education materials in the space arranged by the community for the school.
Joyful Learning: The facilitators prepared low-cost teaching-learning materials like mud pellets, wooden sticks for mathematical calculations and locally made science equipments to help children learn in the play-way method. The technical input for the facilitators were provided by Vikash.
Co-Curricular Activities: The centers are encouraged to observe all important national days like Independence day, Republic day, Teacher’s day, Children’s day etc. Music, quiz, sports and game-based activities were also organized in the centers.
Advocacy: The Non-Formal Education facilitators are involved in awareness campaigns on environmental programs. Villagers took charge to educate the people about the program. Marches on creating literacy awareness were organized regularly which have had lasting impact on the stakeholders.
Library: Vikash maintains a library of 5225 books related to the campaigns at Vigyan Ashram, Kundra for the facilitators and learners.

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